The vets of Heathrow Veterinary Services offer a service where we can check the export documents including Animal Health Certificates for export to EU and Export Health Certificates for export to EU for “commercial” pets and for export of pets to the rest of the world.
This service is available for owners (no matter who your pet shipper is) and for vets as well.
It is possible that if your pets land with incorrect paperwork, then either the owners will need to contact the vets who issued the paperwork or the pets’ clearance will be delayed. In extreme cases, your pets will be flown back to the country of origin – but this is extremely rare.
We charge £45 plus VAT (£54 total) for the service, where we will examine the documents and make any suggestions to amend the documents as necessary.
We will need your name, address and email address and a scanned copy of ALL pages of the documents emailed to us at
The Animal Health certificates need to be completed within 10 days of travel. We will require 3 working days from payment of the invoice to be able to check and advise. We will try to be quicker than this, but at our busier times (generally UK school holiday times), we will need at least 3 days to be able to turn these around.
We look forward to being able to help.